Clinics We Offer

Alcohol Aware
At the Practice, we have available Alcohol Awareness appointments. These are led by our Practice Nurse which entails the results from our Audit Alcohol Screening Questionnaire and discussing this with her. Alternatively, if you would like some advice regarding your alcohol usage these appointments are also available at any time to all Patients. These appointments can include brief advice and, if needed, a referral to our Drug and Alcohol Recovery.
Blood Pressure
We have a Blood Pressure machine in our waiting room for your use. We will be happy to assist you with recording your BP and this will be logged on your medical record. If the reading is high then the Reception team will inform the GP, who will review your record and the GP may advise that you repeat the check or book an appointment to discuss. Patients who have high Blood Pressure should have their pressure checked at least every 6 months. We also have a 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor at the Practice for the use of our Patients. This will be fitted by our Nurse and needs to be monitored for six hours and then we ask that your return to the Practice the same day as your appointment. These will be added to your Medical Record. If directed by a member of the Clinical Team the Practice has a limited stock of BP monitors that we can loan to patient for 7 days and a chart to complete.
Blood Tests
Blood tests are available to book between 08:40 and 11:30 during the week at the Practice. We also offer appointments at the weekend through the Enhanced Access Service. You can make appointments to have your bloods taken at Hove Polyclinic if it has been requested by your GP.
Cervical Smears
The ideal time is midway between periods but this is not essential as the technology for processing smear tests has advanced considerably over the years. So anytime during your cycle should be sufficient, unless you have started your menstrual cycle. If you’re menstrual cycle is very erratic and you find it difficult to know when to book an appointment, please talk to the Nurse who will advise you when the best time would be.
The NHS CP will inform you when your next smear is due. The guidelines suggest every three years from the age of 25 to 50 and from the age of 50 to 64 it is five yearly; this is as long as the result is normal. HPV testing is included in all cytology samples and the result of this will be able to inform us whether you are negative, or positive and need further action.
Many women are very anxious about this procedure so if you have any questions or concerns regarding your cervical screening then you can book a telephone appointment with the Nurse and they will be able to help you with your concerns and inform you on what to expect. We advise if this is your first cervical smear to inform Reception team when booking the appointment and they can make a note so that the Nurse is aware and able to guide you through the procedure at the start of your appointment.
If you do not wish to be invited for Cervical Screening, this may be for many reasons, then you will need to complete a disclaimer form so please inform Reception and we can note this on your record.
When you'll be invited for cervical screening:
- under 25 up to 6 months before you turn 25
- 25 to 49 every 3 years
- 50 to 64 every 5 years
- 65 or older only if 1 of your last 3 tests was abnormal

Child Development
If you have your baby in hospital, before you are discharged, a Paediatrician will carry out a newborn baby check. If you have a home birth, you will be asked to attend the hospital for an Out Patient appointment for a baby check. Once your baby is born you will be under the care of the midwife for ten days. After this time, you will be allocated a health visitor who will make contact with you directly.
You and your baby will have a eight week check with the Doctor at the Practice. This can be booked at the same time as your baby's 8 week immunisations. For both of your checks with the GP, a double appointment (20 minutes) will be needed. At one, two and three years a questionnaire will be sent to you by the Health Visitor directly regarding your child.
Childhood Immunisations
We work closely with Community Child Health Information Service for any routine Immunisations that are due for any Children. We will invite Parents/Guardians to book an appointment with our Practice Nurse. We do not have specific Immunisation Clinics for children but you can make an appointment for your child with any of our Practice Nurses.
Please come a few minutes before your appointment time as you will need to go through a consent form with the Nurse and have a short discussion before she administers the Immunisation. The Nurse will ensure the consent form is completed fully and it’s been noted what Immunisations your child will be receiving.
We understand that many parents have concerns about Immunisations. The Nurses are happy to discuss these with you before you make any decision about immunising your child. We also have leaflets and resources to help you to make a decision.
Health Child Programme
We notify the Health Visitors of all children under the age of five who join our list so that they can contact Parents /Guardians to introduce the service. Their prime function is the promotion of good health, health education, advice and support and the prevention and detection of ill health. They advise on matters relating to family and child health and also assess Children’s development and undertake parent craft teaching and health education work.
For more information regarding this Click Here

Dressing & Post-Operative Care
The Nurses and Healthcare Assistant can offer wound dressing appointments. We can also see you after an operation to remove your dressings, stitches, staples ,and provide you with follow up care during the post-operative period. For Patients requiring daily dressings we can offer you appointments with our Improved Access Clinic if we are unable to see you at the Practice or over a weekend.
Stop Smoking
If you smoke, our specially trained Health Care Assistant or Nurse can help you find the best way for you to kick the habit. They can advise on how you can work through your own stop-smoking programme as well as how nicotine replacement therapy can be used appropriately to assist you.

Learning Disability Health Check
People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case.
It is important that everyone over the age of 14 who is on their doctor’s learning disability register has an annual health check. If you have a Learning Disability ask us about being added to the learning disability register.
An annual health check can help you stay well by talking to a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out.
You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well.
If you are worried about seeing a doctor, or there is anything they can do to make your appointment better, let the doctor or nurse know. They can make changes to help you. These are called reasonable adjustments.
The video and information below will help you understand more about Annual Health Checks and how you can get ready for your appointment.
- Video -
- Annual health check – easy read guide
- Getting ready for your annual health check – this will be sent before the annual health check to help you prepare and think about the things that you would like to ask the doctor

Long Term Disease Health Check
If you have a long term condition such as Asthma, Diabetes or COPD, we would like to see you on a regular basis. If your condition is stable then we would like to see you every twelve months, if your condition is unstable then we would prefer for you to be seen six monthly.
NHS Health Check
This check is for all patients between ages of 40-74 with no history of heart disease. For patients with BAME backgrounds, this is available from the age of 25 and onwards. The purpose is to screen for any early warning signs of heart disease. This is particularly important if you have a strong family history of heart problems.
Routine Health Check
All adult Patients who have not been seen within the last 3 years and Patients over the age of 75 who have not been seen in the last year are welcome to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse.