Patient Record
Your Medical Record
We have provided patients over the age of 18 with access to your full medical record via the NHS App from 8th December 2022 for existing patient for new patients this will be from the date you registered at this practice. We are aware that not everyone will want full access to their medical records and this on the internet. We are aware some patients may have concerns about their personal medical records being made available on their smartphones or other devices, especially if other people have access to this. If you would like to switch off access or limited, please contact the Practice and we will do this for you but will need conformation in writing.

Subject Access Request
If you would like to request access to view your medical history then you can request a Subject Access Request form (SAR)
Please complete the below form and email to Reception or come into the Surgery to collect a physical copy for completion.
Subject Access Request Form for Proxy Access
If you would like access to online services we recommend you use the NHS App.
The NHS App lets you see your medical records from December 7th 2022 onwards, COVID-19 status, order repeat prescriptions and gives you the opportunity of many NHS services. The best part is that you can do it yourself! It requires no consent forms or attending your GP Surgery.
Download the app on the Apple app store or Google Play store.
Patient Access
Alternatively, you can also use Patient Access. This will require you to complete a form and either email in or come in face-to-face to show photographic ID. These forms are not included in our Registration Form. If you wish to complete this form, please click on the relevant link below:
Proxy Access
What is Proxy Access?
Proxy Access is allowing someone(s) of your choice to be able to access your online services. The services avaliable are booking appointments, ordering your repeat prescriptions, and viewing your GP record.
Giving access to another person is your choice and you can choose which online services you want each proxy user to use. Proxy Access is avaliable to anyone; whether you're a parent, relative, friend etc.
If you would like to sign up for this service, please complete the forms below and email to us:
Patient Proxy Access Form Over 16's
Patient Proxy Access Form Under 16's
For more infomration please click the following:

Consent Form
If you wish for a family member or a carer or a nominated person to be authorised to discuss your medical needs on your behalf please complete this form. We will make a note on your medical record of the person who you have given permission to. This is not for online access should you wish it electronically then you will need to complete the Proxy Access form.