Test Results

Getting your test results
If your test results show that you need more tests or treatment, we will contact you.
Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:
- in your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
- in your Patient Access account
- phone or visit us and we will tell you what the results are
Questions about your results
If you have a query about your results, you can email us on Sxicb-bh.thehaven@nhs.net
If you want to talk to someone about your results, please contact the reception team on 01273-555999
Results of Tests and Investigations
We will contact you by telephone, or by letter, only if a result is abnormal and you require treatment or further investigations. You will not be contacted if your result is normal. If you wish to enquire about the results of your tests please telephone at the end of Surgery sessions. The administrative staff will give results to you or you may be asked to speak to the Nurse or Doctor. Adults' results will not be given to anyone other than the Patient, except in exceptional circumstances.
Blood Tests
We are able to take Blood Tests every morning Monday-Friday before 11:30. We also offer local weekend appointments via our Enhanced Access Service.
If you need to bring a specimen to the Surgery for testing, please ensure that it arrives before 11:30 as this is our collection time by our courier service to the hospital. For all test results, please telephone us, preferably between 13:00 – 15:00 each day. You can also view your result via the NHS app.
Hospital results & follow-up
Your specialist will discuss your results and follow-up with you. If you do not hear from them, please call the Consultants secretary or the Hospital. Please do not ask your GP for hospital results as we do not hold these results.
How to get more help
The Hospital has a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) who can help you. Royal Sussex County Hospital PALS: 01273 664683 or 664973 Email: bsuh.pals@nhs.net